Things Happen

Tomorrow I’m heading off to Birmingham for two days, for a radio conference. I’ll be contactable by mobile & email if anybody really wants to talk to me!

Actually being elsewhere might give me a chance to think about the future of things like this blog, Blogwise, etc. I really have some great ideas and features for Blogwise which, until now, I’ve always been frustrated about how basic and unrevealing it is! I don’t, however, have the time to implement anything new under my current ‘schedule’ so I’ll need to decide where my priorities lie!

More soon, I’m sure…


I think I might cry. The following graph is a live update of how many blogs are waiting to be submitted on Blogwise:

Of course… if you’re reading this from the archives that’ll have gone back down to zero or it’ll be off the scale 😐

An employee at emailed me the other day asking if I’d add their new blog-style articles to Blogwise. I can’t refuse really – they fit the bill for entry, but it represents another 450 blogs on the site!

Actually I’ve had a difficult time considering whether I should accept or not. An injection of 450 blogs means that around 1 in 13 blogs are from – that scares me. My conclusive decision was pased on my belief that companies with valuable, article-style resources should definitely be encouraged to use this format. We’ll see how it goes.


For those of you interested PHP 5 is out (in early beta form). The Zend engine has been completely rewritten and now supports quite a few of the more advanced class/object behaviours common to, say, Java.