I’ve been having problems with my Linux computer today crashing repeatedly – the one that handles email, web, backups, etc. It’s done it before so I poked around the Internet for a memory checking program, finding Memtest 86 to be highly recommended.
In the 35 minutes it took to check the computer the program found around 1200 errors, mostly at the same few addresses. Could be the cause, no?
I also ran the program on my main computer and to my extreme delight, found no errors ๐
Then I ran it on my laptop. My five year old laptop. It has had problems for a while now. Windows ME, 2000 and XP; various Linuxes and FreeBSD refuse to install. I’ve only ever gotten 98 on there and even then it crashes ad nauseum.
It had 102,560 errors.
So now I’m searching the web looking for good RAM suppliers ๐