Latest shared items from my Google Reader account:
Month: July 2007
Red Bull Air Race 2007
Here at the Red Bull Air Race and just discovered the camera can do instant panoramas, so here goes 🙂
Links – Fri Jul 27 2007 02:55PM
Latest shared items from my Google Reader account:
Links – Wed Jul 25 2007 02:55PM
Latest shared items from my Google Reader account:
Links – Sat Jul 21 2007 02:55PM
Latest shared items from my Google Reader account:
- Add a headphone jack to your HTC device for under five bucks [from jkOnTheRun]
- Might there be something afoul with public-private [from Tom Morris]
- Personal names around the world [from Simon Willison’s Weblog]
- Secret Buildings You May Not Photograph, Part 643 [from Thomas Hawk’s Digital Connection]
Links – Wed Jul 18 2007 02:55PM
Latest shared items from my Google Reader account:
- Scaling Monitoring [from Photo Matt]
Links – Mon Jul 16 2007 09:10AM
Latest shared items from my Google Reader account:
- Novice vs. Expert Google Users [from Google Operating System]
- Implementing efficient counters with MySQL [from MySQL Performance Blog]
- Things computers can only do in movies [from Boing Boing]
- google-diff-match-patch [from Simon Willison’s Weblog]
- [from Simon Willison’s Weblog]
- A list of film’s most impressive and famous long takes,… [from]
- acquires [from News: Digital Photography Review (]
- The latest in Adobe Illustrator [from Scobleizer]
- The content of the O’Reilly Factor was recently analyzed and compared… [from]
Opera Mini 4
Opera Mini 4 for Java capable devices is out in beta. It features a lovely zoom out overview of websites, so I can see the whole of on one screen (you click the area of interest to zoom in).
Downloads at
Sometimes the product doesn’t warrant the packaging… yesterday I received a Micro SD card from Expansys. These things are tiny – in the photo below the card is next to a UK 5p coin (must be just over 1cm diameter?) and it packs a whopping 2Gb.
The real astonishment is the size of the package, which the card is sitting on: a full size Jiffy bag designed for A4-size contents. Putting the two next to each other really demonstrates the difference in size (100fold at least, I’d reckon)
Granted the card came with an SD adapter (unexpected bonus), a bunch of leaflets and the delivery note, but considering the size of the item it does alll seem a little excessive.
As it happens, I’m not about to rush about and accuse Expansys of single-handedly ruining the environment – I laughed when I saw it… but other people might feel differently.
Nokia 770 for under £75
Amazing price of £73.95 (and it’s real too) for a Nokia 770 Internet tablet.
How the heck can they afford to produce it at this price? I definitely intend to get one.
Via SMS Text News