New Search Engine

New search engine doing the rounds –, which The Register rated quite highly. I’ll be checking it out and it could be quite good, although I admit I have a bit of an objection to the way they harvest others’ search results while placing their own adverts on top. That said, I’ve submitted Blogwise (I don’t think the search throughput will be either bandwidth-breaking nor significant; it’s just cool to be listed alongside BBC News as a reputable source 🙂

Unfortunately at time of posting, Turbo10 is down because of denial of service attacks……

Are you listed yet?

While hunting around looking for a set of those great little icons (as created by Antipixel) I found this list with literally hundreds of them. I was going to make one for Blogwise, until I spotted that somebody has already made one!


I’ll be putting it up on the site soon. Unfortunately I don’t know who made it 🙁 so I can’t credit them.

News Day

A couple stories caught my attention on the news today, firstly a bull has destroyed an antiques shop in Lancashire – not quite a china shop but still unfortunate.

Then there’s a story about an ambulance driver in West Yorkshire who has been charged with speeding for doing 104 mph. He was driving with blue flashing lights and was performing an emergency transport of a liver at the time.

East Anglia Ambulance service have been sent 1,050 tickets in a year by police for their drivers clocked (a lot by speed cameras outside the local hospital).

Interesting stuff for those that don’t realise that the laws concerning police, ambulances and other emergency vehicles breaking the speed limit for emergencies is fairly ambiguous, and I feel sorry for the drivers themselves (particularly in life-threatening emergencies) who are put in this sort of situation.


Annoyingly (I think), Sablotron seems to convert &gt; back into > during an XSLT transformation (this has happened with multiple source and stylesheets). I know this is theoretically possible (> means nothing if < is omitted) but should it be doing that?

On a happier note, Yet Another Blog has gone RSS. 🙂

Yet Another Change

Sorry about the lack of updates. Actually I was updating (kind of…see new posts below!) just to the wrong blog. Don’t worry, there’s method behind my madness!

I’ve written a completely new blog editor with all sorts of front- and back-end gadgetry, which I’m rolling out in due course to various sites I have influence over 😛

I know comments aren’t transferred/working yet. Am also aware of archives bug. Hopefully these should be cleared up shortly!

Does my Bum look big in this?

A new chapter in the Sven chronicles. After eating too many burgers and suckling on too many Mayonnaise packets for the past few years I’ve grown a healthy beer belly (oh yeah, I drunk beer too). More annoyingly there’s that horrid flab under the chin. So, in an effort to woo the ladehs, and lose some weight I’ve signed up to the local gym! My induction was today and it’s quite good. Had a go on the rowing machines, treadmill, stepping thingy, bikes, etc. and I feel quite good after it, although was a bit worried when at one point my bpm hit 206 – that can’t be good!

At the moment I’m about 90kg (I am 6’1″ though…. 😉 and although I don’t have a particular aim I’ll be interested to see what happens to it. It’ll be good to keep a diary/blog on here as well so I can look back and laugh (or cry) when necessary. Wish me luck!!!