Excellent. Nearly one million broadband users in the UK. This seems to be a good thing – it’s a sign perhaps that the Internet is not nearly as crap, pointless and value-free as many might’ve been led to believe. Hopefully given the surge in demand for broadband investment in online companies will start to pick up again.
It did strike me as a bit odd that 21st Century technology involved a connection speed not even at 56K (UK regs allow 52 I think…) – it still amazes me how long it’s taking for BT to get their act together (and that goes for Oftel too!)
Something should really be made of Wifi and MANs (Mtropolitan Area Networks) – they appear to work well in the States and seem a perfectly viable alternative around here. Just still a snag with rural areas though, although Cardiff I think are working on something (I’ll try and dig up the url).