I think I’m turning into a news junkie with all this coverage. The BBC have been switching over to News 24 much earlier in the night (I caught it at midnight) and BBC One, ITV1 and Radio 4 have been supplying me and millions of others with vast amounts of coverage and information. The websites have also been busy, with news sites covered with Iraq coverage – I’ve been spending far too much time learning about Iraq and the various articles of interest lately.
It’s some reassurance that I have yet to join the digital age, and still only receive four channels (yes, we’re still not within the five coverage area) but I am more tempted than ever to pay out for Freeview to provide me with at least two 24-hour news channels to satisfy my addiction – at the moment all four terrestrial channels are showing a variety of dreary Saturday night shows and blatently lacking Huw Edwards’ rotary updates. The cynic in me thinks that this absence is a cunning ploy to get us to buy up digital, but the optimist reassuringly reminds me that I look better without square eyes….