So, I went and watched XXX last night with a couple of mates. All in all I enjoyed it. A great movie to watch – if not for the dazzling display of ridiculous stunt action, then for the suprisingly good acting by Vin Diesel and quite good scenery.
Bits of it were dubious. My physics studying friend, Chris, helpfully pointing out that tesla coils in a nightclub are probably unlikely to be safe, and I also noticed that a snowboarder is probably not likely to be able to travel at the same speed, or faster than an avalanche and be able to stay standing up.
Then again, the unrealistic stunts and death-defying activities are what makes James Bond very good and exciting. You definitely got that feeling with XXX – an Americanised (-ized?) version of James Bond. Lots of gadgets, ladehs, and miscellaneous exploding vehicles and buildings. Vin Diesel played the part well and I look forward to XXX2.
Sven gives this 8/10